Hello! I'm almost done posting stuff, I've realized a lot of my art is not post worthy since it's only sketches, but I was wondering if any of you would like to see it even if it isn't in the art portal?
Now to what I want to talk about, Post will slow down because I haven't been finishing art lately, like I mentioned, most of my art are sketches right now because my medication is making my hands too shaky to draw comfortably and I'm still getting used to the stabilizer, so It'll take a little for each drawing to be finished.
I could post the sketches and low quality drawings, but I'm not sure if it'd be a good idea since newgrounds seems like a place for like, good art haha;; I don't even know how I got scouted myself! but oh well, I'm rambling...
basically I just wanted to know what you guys would like to see, that's it.
sorry im awkward and cringe, but yea just and update and stuff!